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Sherlock Holmes is in the public domain, as are the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Alexander Dumas. However, freshly-created, original fiction is the copyright of the author. Note that my work adresses adult themes, and is therefore not recommended for YA or children.

All textual material on this website is copyright by Mike Adamson.

All artwork with the exception of the book and magazine covers is copyright by Jen Downes.

Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike secured qualifications in both marine biology and archaeology. Mike was a university educator from 2006 to 2018, has worked in the replication of convincing ancient fossils, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist, and a journalist for international magazines. Short fiction sales include to Metastellar, The Strand, Little Blue Marble, Abyss and Apex, Daily Science Fiction, Compelling Science Fiction and Nature Futures.

Mike has placed stories on over 220 occasions to date, totalling well over 1.1 million words. His single largest creation is the science fiction opus Tales of the Middle Stars, of which there are currently almost sixty completed stories ranging from flash to novella length, detailing the great adventure of the human colonization of the stellar neighbourhood in the centuries ahead. Forty of these tales have been published to date, in many different international venues.

Forthcoming projects include novels in the science fiction and mystery fields. Mike has begun to carve out a reputation in period mystery, especially brand new Sherlock Holmes adventures, appearing with a variety of publishers, particularly Belanger Books, from which his first Sherlock Holmes novel, A Tradition of Evil, has now been released. You can catch up with his journey at his blog The View From the Keyboard.