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285pp, 6" x 9" trade size paperback
cover by Jade
$23.00 (paperback)
$33.00 (hardcover: due)
Desert storm, ‘djinn’ and the riders from Hell ... Saracen, Templar and dark sorcerer ... unholy adventure in an age of holy war!
It is a time of conquest in which the Saxon is almost a slave in his own country, and the Holy Land is sundered by unholy war out of which there can be no winners, no real victors. And for young men like Paul Delgado and Edward of Aethelstan, no place is safe. Their own home is as filled with danger as the battlefields of Palestine, for they are men who love men, in an age when such love is forbidden.
On the very threshold of manhood, Paul is a landless, penniless orphan with no future — unless it is to follow the young Earl of Aethelstan to war. But Edward has no desire to sell his sword and his soul to a blood- soaked Crusade where mercy is rare, cruelty is commonplace, and the dark sorcery of an unknown land might easily swallow a man whole.
To repair the patchwork fortunes of the House of Aethelstan, Edward commits himself to the Crusade ... for love of the young Saxon knight, Paul sails with the eastbound ships, in the company of Normans, Templars, soldiers and squires. Before he returns, he will be a man grown, with an epic story to tell of bloodshed and sorcery, sublime sensuality, and a timeless love. Dust-veiled battlefields and the candlelit bedchambers of Saracen captains are his memories: silk and steel, delight and despair, and the magic and mayhem of a half-forgotten age.
Sensual in character, vast in scope, White Rose of Night is a haunting romance set within a thrilling adventure, with a twist of high fantasy. Back in print, from the acclaimed author of FORTUNES OF WAR and the award-winning historical, THE DECEIVERS.
White Rose came the 31st; I make it about 10 days from your door to mine -- not bad. It's wonderful, by the way (my only complaint is I read it too fast!). The emotional warmth and sensual heat of the central relationship would make it riveting even without the setting (palpable), historical plot (rich) and secondary characters (vibrant). Fortunes of War and Nocturne did the same, and it's terrific that MK sustains those qualities from novel to novel. I'm reading (and enjoying) Aquamarine and Storm Tide right now, which I got via Amazon Marketplace. As soon as I get my tax refund (*grin*) I'll place a new order (thanks much for the offer of the discount - I'll keep that in mind and order three at a time!). I must say, DC's customer service and communications (e-mails from you, web site) are fantastic; y'all do a great job! Cheers, Gaelan
I loved the book! It was great! Kind of funny to wind up rooting for the "other side" when Richard the Lionheart was involved, but I didn't like him and I did like Imrahan - and he and Saladin were at least aiming for a truce. Given what I know of the relative cultures at the time (not much!) it was probably a much more accurate portrayal of the two sides than the traditional one. Not that the Muslim side didn't (and doesn't) have it's horrors, but at least they believed in cleanliness. More than you could say for Christianity, where being too clean was courting being burned for a witch or a heretic. And they wondered why they got plague... I've wondered from time to time if Richard coming to an early death wasn't one of God's greater kindnesses to western civilization. It stuck us with John, which got us the Magna Carta. If Richard had gone home and tended to business, who knows? No Magna Carta, I'm sure.
That's enough of politics. I loved the book. Paulo and Edward are wonderful people, and seeing everything from Paulo's viewpoint (much more practical and intelligent than the "noble" mindset of the era) was a neat twist. The fact that most of the book was in the East, and a lot of it in the Muslim culture, gave it the feel of a fantasy. There were explanations for the magic - but it was part of the culture and fitted. And nothing got in the way of the romance. It wasn't the sexiest of Mel's that I've read, but it was one of the most sensual. Thanks again for reprinting it!
I'll let you go - from what you've said and the updates on the website I know you're all frantically busy. I can't wait for the anthology you promised - I never managed to get hold of a copy of Breakheart. And Cry Liberty. And Lords of Harbindane. And.... And... And....